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KCW Komodo 1.0.0

   (4 reviews)

9 Screenshots

About This File

Hello, here is the KCW komodo, a big all-terrain vehicle to go on an adventure with your friends.


I created it more than a year ago for a room, but since I don't use it anymore, I decided to share it with the community, after making some modifications.

Important detail, if you want to get on board, you'll have to get on the step first and then look for the dot on the seats. As for the backrest, you will have to be in "partner" to get on board. 


ps: it was created from the famous jeep "lifeguard". One day, I downloaded the jeep and I thought it wasn't big enough, so I customized it ?


by kazama ... and trusted the Kazama Custom Works?

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I go FWD in real life and this thing is a beast. Yeee Harrr!!!!!!!!!


The front instrument panel is very nicely done, tyres look cool. Seating works fine.


Suspension detail is awesome.


its big, its bold, its fun totally impractical but I had to have it .


Look how tiny we look through the windscreen, hihihiFWD(6).thumb.png.145be51a3b60b663c765876f9ed82cf6.png :P



Thanks very much for the build xoox :)






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FWD (2).png

FWD (3).png

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FWD (5).png

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