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Skeleton kneeled in reverence pose 1.0.0

   (7 reviews)

3 Screenshots

About This File

This became one of my hardest challenges.It has some imperfections and for some it may look ridiculous,Been working on it for a long time.

I have a lot of skeletons in diferent poses and i will upload them soon.Also i will upload an articulable version for those brave ones that dare experiment with it or just like to spread some bones arround on their projects.

 WARNING: Because of some bug, The skeletons bite when you touch them and your avi can sadly sink into the floor if you do not escape at time.I hope someone can explain me how to solve this.Maybe it's just a game bug and i wish developers pay some attention to fix this problem.


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You made a great job, well done! thank you for sharing :)😊

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