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Trubblemaker Industries Robot Companion: D0C 1.0.0

   (1 review)

3 Screenshots

About This File

Here is a life-sized robot! Each robot comes with a Beating Heart and posable limbs! Feel free to discard the box!

D0C is a medical robot programmed with basic and industrial first aid skills, as well as surgery on most known lifeforms. With rock steady hands and pleasant bedside manner, D0C is the perfect assistant for all your medical needs!

All robots can be posed and are organized into the following groups: Head, Chest, 2 x Upper Arms, 2 x Lower Arms, 2 x Hands, Waist, Hips, 2 x Upper Legs, 2 x Lower Legs, 2x Toes. Because 3dx doesn't allow you to add pivot points to groups, this will take a little bit of skill to pose the limbs, but it's easy to learn, and you don't have to be super exact either.

Once you are happy with the pose, save it, then click and drag a box around it and click the GROUP Button along the top of the editor (5th button from the right).

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Who do I depend on when I get hit with a UTI? It's DOC! Thank you DOC!


The Huntress (Have to admit, Amy is a genius)

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