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Lingerie Outfit: White Pink Sexy Bedtime 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

5 Screenshots

About This File

I am not logged in a lot anymore , So I am releasing what I considered my A+ Outfits collection. Categories are Casual, Beach, Dance, Character and just plain Sexy :P



Lingerie Outfit: White Pink Sexy Bedtime..... Simple but effective. Little bit of white, pink with a dash of gold here and there. If your partner doesn't jump your bones in this...Then you need a new partner, hihihi 🤣



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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Your clothes are very beautiful, but I can't use them or I don't know how to use them :(

Response from the author:

Download the outfit file to your 3dx chat folder, I made an OUTFIT folder in mine. Then in the wardrobe you Click on load OUTFIT, You have to take note of YOUR avatars settings face, body make up etc...., then you change my avatars settings to yours and then once YOU are inside the clothes, save the changes as you. Delete the downloaded file as it is NO longer necessary.

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