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Everything posted by Frejya

  1. Frejya


    Bibo ego sum... bibimus ego fututi...
  2. Dumb question time! I have two! 1. Is there a hotkey or way to resize an object realtime -- eg, to click, hold and drag -- that will size all dimensions of that object simultaneously? I can't figure out a way with either sizing tool to keep all dimensions equal. So far the only way I can scale an object equally is to use the scale widget, and use the same dimension number for L, W, H (and even that is a pain in the butt because all dimensions start out at 1, and anything smaller is then a decimal). It would be a huge timesaver to be able to just click, hold, drag all dimensions at the same time to make the entire object equally bigger or smaller on all sides. 2. How do you resize a grouped set of objects? Is there any way to resize an object that's comprised of several objects, where you resize all of them at once? It seems like if you can rotate them simultaneously (either independently around their axes, or around a center axis) you should be able to also resize them simultaneously, but I can't figure out how. Not being able to do these two things means I spend a lot of time messing with resizing and trying to line things up by eye, which can be difficult in a 3D space given foreshortening and other optical illusions.
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