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Everything posted by MsAndrea

  1. Seems like an interesting idea to me at first glance, but a few issues come to mind. First, has the issue involving room theft been addressed/solved? Because if not, tech-savvy thieves can get whatever they want for free thus bypassing the merchant system. And not only that, they may be able to steal rooms that were uploaded to the game but not 3dxmodz, and sell the rooms themselves. That’s theoretically possible, right? Then there’s free rooms on 3dxmodz that aren’t transferable to the merchant system. What if someone downloaded these free rooms, harvest them for small builds within (objects, rooms or sections of rooms etc), and then produce something for sale that was essentially plagiarized? Also theoretically possible? I don’t intend to be a “stick in the mud.” I just think that if a potential merchant spent a lot of time making something for sale, they ought to be secure knowing that they haven’t been ripped off (nor can they potentially be). So yeah, seems a little tricky to me. I’m not necessarily against the idea of sell-able builds, just a little apprehensive.
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