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keely kat

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Posts posted by keely kat

  1. even if its a coded, server-based object? like a watermark?


    So that my credentials are added to it so that its acts as a key to allow only me to open or host my room (even for editing)?


    There has to be a differentiation between the host and the guests to the room.  People can join the room when its open but not everyone can host the room without the appropriate key tied to an object.  this object, if not placed, would allow me to share the room with anyone, but when its there only I can host it or edit it.


    this just seems like a simple, credential tied object that would take some coding but not impossible....

  2. Maybe I am looking at this differently.  Everyone wants to add security on the server, and that would be great.


    Wouldn't an object that I could add to the room that is part of a "signature" that when deleted cleared the room be easier to create? or couldn't be deleted or moved at all.


    For instance,  I sign my room "Keely" with this marker.  Thief steals said room and deletes my marker (signature) then the whole room deletes.  they can restore it of course but they cant remove my signature.  Making it immovable would be even better so that when its placed...it can not be moved....so even when hidden its still there.  Or maybe make it so the marker once deleted destroys the room or corrupts the file.  Sure they can get it again but its just something to complicate their pathetic life.


    FOr me I have added my name in at least 20 places - many times a lot more in every creation so that I can prove it is mine.  That way if they wanna  erase me as the author...they have to work for it and as we all know these are degenerates who couldn't build a room for themselves in the first place.



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