You can do numerous effects with your personal profile on 3DXChat. Below are some example codes you can use in your profiles. Please understand also you should have some knowledge of HTML and how tags work with HTML.
Understanding HTML Tags :
Color Codes :
More Color Code :
Another One :
Html Tag lists : - ( Note: Some Tags may not work, just need to try and find out )
Hyperlinks in profiles are already built in, so all you have to do is enter the web address as follows :
<color=red>Red Text</color>
<size=25> Size 25 </size>
<color=green> text is green </color>
<color=blue>Text is blue</color>
<b>Bold Text<b>
<color=#000000> HEX Code </color>
<b> More Bold<b>
<u>UnderLine Text</u>
<b><I><SIZE=28><COLOR=#f6ff02>The html code does not work on my profile.</COLOR></SIZE></I></b>
You can also do what they call ASCII art. The profile editor is so many lines and spaces and so many characters can be used. It is advised to use small ASCII art.
Using ASCII art takes alot of adjustments and time, but it does bring out the profile once the art is completed.
Ideally your copying line by line very carefully and making sure the position is correct to make the image look accurate in the profile. YES this works but with patience!!
You can see some ascii art here, and make an attempt to try it yourself!