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CadeSaint last won the day on September 17 2023

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About CadeSaint

  • Birthday November 28


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  1. CadeSaint

    Strange New Worlds -- Engineering

    This room was created to look similar to the Engineering room in Strange New Worlds. It's not exact as it was used for a venue, and making things exact isn't overly easy. This was originally used as a birthday room and was built by myself and a friend of mine. She and I worked on it together from the start. The overall build ended at about 2.6MB. We had a lot of places we could have cut, or others we could have added more detail, but wanted to keep it at a reasonable amount if it was to be used as a venue.
  2. CadeSaint

    Meep Wedding

    This was a project I did in joint work with MetalMidge. I worked on the ceremony area, pictured here, and she did the reception. I worked with her to blend the two together to have one look and feel.
  3. CadeSaint

    Birthday Room - Pandora Cave

    Birthday room by request. I had help on this from a friend that made a couple of items for me, and BrittanyDivine, who did the floating rocks, and the entirety of the rooms area, including the bridge to get there. The original ask was, Pandora / Avatar and waterfalls over the entrance. I wanted to do more than just blue and purple, add accent colors to give a different feel, something for the room itself and not just a recreation. Add in the limitations of what we have available, and here ya go.
  4. CadeSaint

    Island Get-a-way

    This is a build I did just for fun. Had an idea for an island and just kept building. I had a bit of helpful direction on a variety of things. All built by me.
  5. CadeSaint

    Renegade - Pioneer Dj Decks

    I created two DJ decks for the owners, one for each of them. The first was the DDJ-FLX6, and then I used that as my base for the DDJ-400 since it was a lesser version in many aspects. I made sure to personalize each of them so when they were spinning in their venue of choice, they could have that extra bit of them.
  6. CadeSaint

    Renegades - Red Rocks Ampitheatre

    Remodel. Original Builders: Emberlee and Gann. This was another build that wanted to have some updates done as well as add tour buses for the bands that would be playing at the most recent event. In the process, I looked online for the location this is based on. I found that the real location had updated the roof. It was decided to give it a go, updating it to that version. From there, updated lighting, added the tour buses, and added rooms under the steating.
  7. CadeSaint

    Renegades - Treehouse

    Remodel Original Build by Riko Renegade and __________ Another update to an existing room to add something more to it. Was asked to hlep add something new for the main stage area, as well as get the dancers from in the back on the bar to up front with the dj. Worked with Riko to get an idea for what it is now, three hewn stumps serving as new stage areas. Added rope bridges between to go with that 'treehouse' theme. In the process, found there was lot of extra in the bar area, so I went about take some of the extra out. Modified the bar to have a bit more look for a treehouse as well. The overall style is still there. Managed to make the file size smaller in the process. Later on, I added the updated cabin for something a bit more romantic out there.
  8. CadeSaint

    Renegades - Miami

    Remodel. I'm not sure who the original builder was. I have found a room in the free shares that I think it was based off of however. The ask for this was a refresh of the dance floor. Getting rid of the sound board and update the stage itself. I updated all of that, as well as the lighting in the whole room. I later added rooms back up on the second floor since the stairs weren't going to anything. The original file had rooms there, I think they were removed in the build for this one. I tried to keep the general look and feel intact and going to colors they wanted.
  9. CadeSaint

    Renegades - Disco Inferno

    Remodel. This build was originally built by Minni. The ask for this update was to move the dancer area to be more upfront, as well as the logos. The decision was made to make the top level from a bar area to the new dancer area. From there, the bar was moved out front, and the existing dancer area to the seating area that was outside. I wanted to keep the lighting that was used out in the seating area, so I moved it to the new seating. Moving the bar outside, I figured it would make sense to have a roof, so I added that to the bar, leaving it as is otherwise.
  10. CadeSaint

    FV - Serenity

    This was a project that was originally started by Catt Davidson, who asked me to help her early on in the process. I helped her get the base elements going, then we worked together to get an overall look and feel. From there, she made the suggestion to give it to FV as a whole to be used as a room. Currently, it's been opened once as an EDM room. It's up to them if it gets opened gain.
  11. CadeSaint

    FV - Birthday Park

    This was a room created for a joint birthday of four people involved with Frost Verse at the time. The original idea was that this would be a modified park that resided outside another build, but that was never completed, so this is a stand-alone build. This was done by me and a friend of mine that does not wish to be listed. If you wish to know, you may talk to me and I will ask if it's ok to let you know. The theme for this was 'candy land'. It went through a few iterations to get to where we ended up. It's not exactly 'Candy Land' but it's got many elements. Most elements are original build, but some here and there are brought in as asked for.
  12. CadeSaint

    Squall's Gunblade

    This was created as a gift for a friend. They have the only other copy but I will share the images here.
  13. CadeSaint

    Rock Masters

    I created the original bar that was used in Rock Masters. There were other elements as well, logos, lamps, etc but the bar was the biggest area. This is the work that I did on it. It has since been replaced to fit the needs of the club.
  14. CadeSaint


    Here is an area for some prototypes I've done.
  15. CadeSaint

    Island Treehouse

    This build was a room I created as a birthday gift for a friend of mine. The idea was a treehouse on the side of a mountain with some flowing water. The end product was meant to be shown at night, but the rest looks better in the daytime. It was intentionally left blank in some areas to allow them to add whatever they wanted, make it really theirs later.
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