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GHOST BIKE.world . Ride a bike in hell and back ... 1.1.0

   (1 review)

4 Screenshots

About This File

GHOST BIKE.world                                                                                                                                                                use bar stool pose ,,Female click on pink star, Male click on blue star .  Enjoy ride with friends as  ghost rider .

i build this  bike for womans avatar , but one Ride - pose is  for male ( not perfect ) 


2020-01-21 19-24-58_52588.png

2020-01-17 00-06-10_500614.png

2020-01-21 19-22-48_51480.png

What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog


without bugs, and reduced files space .

2020-01-21 19-24-58_52588.png

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