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Everything posted by Nym

  1. Hi Alexa This normally happens when the room is bugged on the server but there is a couple of ways you can clear it. Contact the Devs via the 3dx forums and ask them to reset your room. You can use a Modz like Tamara's Import and export tool, https://3dxmodz.com/index.php?/topic/106-download-3dx-import-export-world-format/ This Modz allows you to import and export (upload and download) to and from the server without being in game. It also has a great function that allows you to "Clear the room"....but be warned ...it will delete the loaded room. so i hope you have a save of it. So try downloading the Modz, login to your account with the Modz and "Clear your room"
  2. hahah IKR But i had people coming for lunch that day and i did not want "mjb em GekjWD" printed on my cheeks from sleeping on the keyboard
  3. Hi all A massive thank you to everyone that came and danced with us at the 2018 Modz Announcement Party. It was a great event with awesome music all night. So a massive shout our to DJ's ~ Shay, Backfire, StarrFyre, Lexzia, MarMohan, Jessica, Stellania and Romeox So what was announced? The 2018 Modz Building Competition has started!!! You will now see the Competitions forum on the Home page Below are some quick links for you all. The Modz Building Competition Rules ~ https://3dxmodz.com/index.php?/topic/46-build-competition-rules-and-guidelines/ Competition Prizes ~ https://3dxmodz.com/index.php?/topic/257-competition-2-prizes/ Competition Timeline ~ https://3dxmodz.com/index.php?/topic/243-dates-and-guidelines-for-competition-2/ You can submit your builds here: https://3dxmodz.com/index.php?/forum/48-modz-build-competition-2/ if you have any questions, please feel free to ask any of the Admin team if you see us in Game or drops us a PM here on the forums Ayon P.s. yes i fell asleep at the party dancing on the bar To all the people who sent me a PM... I am really sorry i did not get back to you.
  4. I was in game tonight chatting to Nikita and she has screen shots of introductions people have used with her. They are so bad...they are hilarious and I asked Nikita if I could share them, which she agreed. If you have had similar experiences, please share them here and perhaps we can teach people what not to say when introducing themselves for the first time in game. Please remove their names first (you never know maybe they have learnt already)
  5. Nym


    Hi All I want to bump this post (that was over in Articles) as the up coming patch "in theory" will change Pandora and its ability to link in game Avis to accounts because each Avi will have its own unique ID. However until the Patch is released Live...this is just a theory. But I wanted to Bump this post for another reason. I have been in game over the past 10 days a lot and have noticed a lot of new players with very reveling pictures of themselves in their gallery. When I have suggested they take a look at this post...most are distressed that there pictures being captured by Pandora. So for the safety of our newer Modz members and the 3DX community please remember to let people know about this. Remember, you pictures are NOT Safe/Private in your 3DX gallery!!!!
  6. Nym


    (This post has been moved over from the articles section - 6/September/2018) Hi All This post it to give our Modz Members the opportunity to receive the correct information about Pandora. The Modz forums were created to give our members a place to find out information about the third party Modz that "Members of 3DX" create and Pandora is one of these. What is Pandora? Pandora is a website that takes the information found in user profiles and allows you to search for Avatar names to see the information within their profiles without being in game. As it uses the account ID it also makes the names of the Avatars past and present alts available. Notes about Pandora: There is a free and paid version. The free version The free version lets you see the current information within an Avatars profile, As you can in game by searching for it. The Free version also gives you 5 free “Reveal” Credits. If you use a Reveal credit it allows you to see an Avatars Alts for one month only. Your Reveal credits have an individual one month life cycle that are reset one month after you use it. The Avatars Alts you have revealed are hidden when the credit you used is reset 31 days after you use it.(You will need to Reveal them again if you forgot the Avatars Alts names… its best to write them down) The paid version. Depending on the subscription package you purchase with bitcoins a subscriptions will reveal all players in the data base for the duration of your Subscription. There are 1 month, 6 months and 12 months subscriptions available. When your Subscriptions expires, all the accounts are hidden again. Does Pandora give me access to see players who have multiple accounts? No Pandora can only see the alts on a single account Does Pandora have access to my billing information and email address? No Nothing in 3DXChat code allows anyone to access your credit card or email address. This information is held by the Billing company. How Do I access Pandora? To access Pandora website you will need contact the developer and download the TOR browser. The TOR browser is a custom security enhanced fork of the open-sourced Firefox, but with extra layers to access the TOR network. TOR Wiki https://en.wikipedia...nymity_network) TOR Download Link https://www.torproje...browser.html.en Here is the link to the forum post Gizmo made about Pandora http://3dxforum.com/...pandora-review/ Here is a link to a blog posted by Jason Bourne with more details about Pandora https://pandora3dx.blogspot.com.au/ Here is the email address if you would like to join Pandora [email protected] Warning. Information you put in your profile in 3DXChat has potential to be captured by Pandora. If you share personal pictures of yourself with friends in game via your profile but then remove them within a couple of minutes....there is a very very small chance these pictures will be available on the Pandora Website. I strongly advise our members to consider very carefully what images they put in their 3DXChat Game Profiles. And yes there is always a Disclaimer. Pandora Web Site was not created by any of Modz forums Administrators or Modz Developers you regularly see here on these forums. The reason for this post is to inform and advise the Modz members of its existence with correct information. Update from ADMIN 24/09/2017 Possiable Scam Pandora Site Attention to all (potential) users of Pandora! I have been informed by a user that fake scam Pandora clones have started to appear. Their front page may look exactly like Pandora's, but the contacts and the payment credentials are fake. So you will be just giving away your money to a scammer in case you use any of the clones. Always check the url in your browser, the correct one is: http://pandoraujsbl54pf.onion/ Edited October 16, 2017 by Ayon updates for possiable scam website (show revisions)
  7. Hi All So some of you might have noticed your membership status has changed to "Gold Memberships" which is a promotion up from your Standard Membership Here on The Modz Forums How can you tell? ... you will have this badge attached to your profile. What Dose gold membership do? Well it lets you Upload Files to the website again So congratulations to all our new Gold Members !!!!! Ayon P.s I am considering other Membership groups and Perks...but that's still in development If you have any suggestions let me know.
  8. Lag is so hard to build around and I try not to think about it too much when I am first creating. The problem with lag is ts totally dependent on the users computer/network/internet/3DX Messy game code Some people have Super computers, Some people have Laptops that still run on Windows XP.... Some people have Super computers but run the 3DX with Spotfiy/Nexflix/Black Desert/Far Cry5/Emails and 15 other programs running in the background...../me frowns The only real advice I can give is: 3DX handles light badly so try to avoid using to many. (Less than 8) Reflecting surfaces are an issue because of the way the game handles light. So Glass and Metal surfaces should be used carefully Objects intersecting with each other. If you have 100 tubes forming a circle and they all cross in the middle...it can cause lag where the props intersect/collide Tip: When you have finished your build, spend one hour looking around for those hidden props/blocks that are not needed and delete them. And the Size of the Room. Although this effect can vary. General Rule try and keep your build no more than a 1Mb file. However I have builds that are 2Mb that do not lag... but they are "Simple" in their design. So the only real advice is to just keep lag as a consideration when you are creating your build...but do not let it dictate it. Also open your build to your friends and get feed back from them about lag...make make sure one of your friends has a low powered computer. There is no point testing for lag if all your friends have Super Computers It would be a shame if the only consideration for building is lag... Build because your creativeness wants you to (and just keep lag as a consideration later) Ayon
  9. From the album: Well of Souls

    Taken while Building
  10. From the album: Well of Souls

    Taken while Building
  11. From the album: Well of Souls

    Taken while Building
  12. A few more pictures of the club for next weeks party Just have to do the bar now. oh and the Club got a name "Well of Souls" (from a book I read)
  13. Pandemonium Acoustics is having a Party!!!!!! Party Countdown Timer
  14. Nym

    Frist :)

    lol Nemo and thank you
  15. Hi Tamara I noticed when using the import/export tool to "Remove Duplicated" for some reason after saving the file the Light Emitters are tuned up to like 1000% brightness Just another little bug for you to work out
  16. Hi just a quick picture of my latest concept
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