About This File
In one of my past worlds, I put together a Remote Island Mountain Compound. It was away from the main House Complex, so was fun to run off to with someone you wanted to be alone with.
Please NOTE - this Compound FEATURES the works of other creative builders, that I put together into a whole picture, along with some edits and modifications.
Credit goes out to the following builders for the sharing of their hard work and creative builds, for others to use.
Lexzia - Sex Bench
dungeonarcher1 - Jacuzzi of Youth
SexiCatsi - Shower
JuicyJina - Beach Cabana
Alexa Darkness - Alexa's Glory Mini Bar
Evelinka - Little Russian Sauna
I was unable to find reference to the builder of Round Hut, but many thanks to you (and any other builders I missed) for sharing your hard creative works for others to use in builds. Sincere THANKS.
Edited by jonivan