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HELP & CARE 1.0.0

   (1 review)

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About This File

Long time ago i have room where try care for all who need help.

Like new members was need support and explanations about all stuff, like members who was hurted and need hugs, like members who need care here to become happiness for being with good mood for Real Life. 

We all have fears and worries - so i hope that every one will have no stress and drama in 3dx - room FEAR will take all bad from you.



I did this place cause now i meet same people as me - who can listen and have desire to support good hearts and souls. Maybe some one find this place useful for it) maybe just for yourself)


If i not back in 3dx - take care of each other)))




by the way - room really heavy - i try made all simple)


AND THANKS S LOT for stuff that i find here! I have honor to use it in that place for good <3 


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