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Classic Style Guitar Amp 1.0.0

   (1 review)

1 Screenshot

About This File

A reworking of a very famous line of guitar amps. I wanted to use the original brand name on the front but didn't want the site to get nailed in a copyright lawsuit. Just as well! The freehand lettering was impossible.

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Looks nice..But why is it big as 2 houses? Is there some way of resizing it alltogether that I dont know of?

Response from the author:

Blame that on my lack of experience. I presume by now you've learned of the rescaling  gizmo in  the World Editor. It's the icon that looks like a box with an arrow coming out of the upper right corner. If not. load the amp file into the Editor. The amp parts should be grouped but if not position your camera so you can drag your mouse all around the amp without catching an unwanted object. Then click on the Rescaling gizmo, hold down the Left Shift key on your keyboard. A small square will appear where the three vertices meet. While holding down the Shift key, drag your cursor down until you get the size you want the amp to be.

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