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FFF Double Penetration v2 1.0.0

   (1 review)

6 Screenshots

About This File

Another double penetration scene for the girls.

I think it looks pretty good for what we have to work with.

I also did a better job on the furniture, i think.

If you think so too then YAYYYYYYYYY?


Note: for this one i found it easier to select

poses from the right hand side of the bed.

The placement of the objects can be tricky,

but this one is fairly good.


I placed this file at the entrance in the default room.

Again, ya need Rochi's .dll file.


Step 1 -  two females must partner and then click the blinking marker that for

Anal 9 pose.


Step 2 - The additional partner needs to add a female ghos (ctrl+f2) or (fn+f2)t,

then select the solidly lit marker for Anal 6 pose.


Yea yea i know, they are both anal poses but use your imagination ?


Hint:found that it easier to choose a pose when you use free cam 

(ctrl+f5) or (fn+f5) and then look down over the object.

ya might have to click around a bit but the markers are pretty darn close.

The markers were placed by looking down, over the object

so that they line up better.




What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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