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1956 Wurlitzer Jukebox V1 1.0.0

   (1 review)

3 Screenshots

About This File

This is the 1956 Wurlitzer I made for my 1950's Soda Shop/Diner room I made back in September.


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Rhonda Morrigan

· Edited by Rhonda Morrigan


While being a beautiful piece of art, it has broken every room I have tried to put it in.

Something about the piece causes what I call a "black hole" effect where the floor you place it on stops being solid for about a 1m radius.  It appears to be caused by having a lot of very small pieces close together in a very small area.  A statue I've made does the same thing if you shrink it down to about the same size, so that's my best guess as to what is breaking things.

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