About This File
Since my BELL47G helicopter pleases so many, I have created another variant of this helicopter, which may be also interesting for the roleplayers among us:
It is an early version of the Bell Model 47, which was used in the US Army under the name "H13" and especially in the MASH version got well known by the eponymous film and the television series.
The H13-MASH, mainly used in the Korean War, differs visually from the civilian BELL47G above all by a single tank behind the main rotor instead of the two side tanks and the modified skid landing gear, on each of which a stretcher could be placed under a rather rudimantary protective cover for the head area.
The heli shown here is, in contrast to the already published BELL47G, "playable": The stretchers have the function triggers of the "couch", so the avatars can lie on their back, but of course everything else can be done, which makes fun on the couch. Since there is no mirror image of the function trigger, it is installed on the left just as it is on the right. As a result, a patient lies correctly (with his head forward) but in some "games" and while sitting, the legs are then between stretcher and heli. At the pulpit you can lean left and right and do whatever the "wall" trigger allows.
When merged into a world the heli appears on a base plate in the sea next to the small island of the "default" world; Heli and base plate are grouped separately, so that the helicopter can be easily positioned elsewhere.
As an "addition" there is a matching ambulance tent in the package as well as a camp bed with "couch" functionality and a double camp bed with "bed" functionality consisting of two combined camp beds with a blanket over the space and cushions. These parts also are grouped separately, so they can be arranged arbitrarily.
Have fun!
What's New in Version 1.0.2 See changelog
Enhanced windschields at stretchers