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About This File

The new Trubblemaker Skycar is here! The MK13 is a high-end racer variant of the MK12. This file has two versions: Electric Blue and a paintable version which you can color yourself!  


This Skycar is number 00, Electric Blue, a replica of the racer driven by A.I.M.I.E.    


Also contains a variety of snap on effects: Dust Trail for skimming across the ground, Engine exhaust for flying at high speed, Ground Effect for idling on the ground or parked, Takeoff / Landing effect, and Light effects to show your car in low light.  


Instructions for making your own paint job and placing the snap on effects can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/DUpFdUx

Feel free to add poses! A bed pose on the hood, couch poses on the spoilers, or wall poses on the back!

KNOWN ISSUE: The Skycar is made using Sphere shapes. Sadly in 3dx when you squish or stretch a sphere, the collision around remains a perfect sphere. The result is that when you walk around or over you Skycar from certain angles, there will appear to be a sort of invisible barrier. You can pretend it's a force field!  


Font is Alexa's ABC front which you can find here: https://3dxmodz.com/index.php?/files/file/1134-alexas-abc/




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AIMIE's Skycar! it's the fastest AI in the Galaxy! 

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